19 August, 2010

Game Master

Are you a game master? Tell you a SECRET, my hostel has many game masters...

What is the role of game master? In my explanation is teaching new player to play the video games, computer games and any other games.

For example, when I play the new game, I do not know how to play or not expert on it. ATTENTION!!! Game master at this time will appears and rescue me. Standing behind my back and give proper instruction and strategy. I quite "ok" with the master guide. If always given the guide I will feel boring and I will cast my "TOXIC MOUTH" skill.

From my observation, I feel that not many people like listen to the game master.Especially the game master is comes to give help by willingly without the player request.  Maybe they feel that they are too or professional in most of the game, so the new player should follow his or her guide. Somehow, the people who given the guide, that guide not always helps player win the game, sometimes it helps new player to lose the game. At this time, game master is really shameful, isn't it? (See, the sacrifice part of the Game Master)

The game master might think all he did is most logic and proper way to win the game. In reality, different people has different thinking. Although is playing a game or video game.I believe there is a lot of different technique to win the games, isn't it?

For the best result, the game master should only give proper guide on the new player. The later game should let the player to think on themselves, develop then. Furthermore,if the player already know how to play and like to play in his way. The game master will interrupt and said that the player technique is not right and should follow his strategy. Well, not many people like to listen unless he has request the game master to do so.

Anyway, if want to play a new game, do not worry about too much the knowledge on new game. There will be at least a game master around you and given the proper guide to play.

Enjoy the excitement of the game, all players :)  



  1. should leave the game for yourself to explore. who knows you might develop a strategy that beats the 'game masters' themselves?

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot


Your bullet is gonna boost me :)

歡歌 獨家伴奏曲 上傳步驟

注意事項 1.   必須是安卓系統,蘋果最新系統 (8.0 以上 ) 已被加護,所以無法介入歡歌路徑。 2.   準備一台電腦,數據線,需要連接你的手機 / 移動設備。 3.   已有電腦的基本知識會讓你更明白是如何操作。 步驟: 1....