
About Me

A man, who created at 1988 in Malaysia. In the process of gaining weight. Chinese is my favourite language and I prefer it as my speaking language. Love to make friends and hopefully have nice friendship with every friends. I always try to be a funny and independent guy. I like to wear pink color shirt. Welcome to my blog :)

歡歌 獨家伴奏曲 上傳步驟

注意事項 1.   必須是安卓系統,蘋果最新系統 (8.0 以上 ) 已被加護,所以無法介入歡歌路徑。 2.   準備一台電腦,數據線,需要連接你的手機 / 移動設備。 3.   已有電腦的基本知識會讓你更明白是如何操作。 步驟: 1....