Yesterday, I had been receiving the name card from the tutor of my MDeC course. When receive name card from someone, we need to have correct/appropriate response. So, what kind of response we need to act?
"Cheh, it just so so only..." - *This is totally rude
Just directly keep the name card without any response. *This is average + little rude
"Walao!! this is very awesome!!" *This is too hyperbole
"Mine is famous than you." *This is too arrogant.
What we need to say actually?
We just need to speak the name on name card, not very loudly, to do the confirmation. "Oh...Na-ta-lie Port-man" Then, Natalie Portman will be very happy and feel proud of it. You just speak her name!
(I'm feel glad for what you did :) ) |
That's how important if we do the correct response on time. :)