28 July, 2010


Do you notice that
When you started to hate someone
Are you feeling not comfortable?

In fact
The people you are start to hate
He or she
Owns the same personality as you

Just like basic science theory
Same polar of magnet
will repel to each other
Different polar of magnet
will attract to each other

Hate started 
It might hate myself indirectly.


Your bullet is gonna boost me :)

歡歌 獨家伴奏曲 上傳步驟

注意事項 1.   必須是安卓系統,蘋果最新系統 (8.0 以上 ) 已被加護,所以無法介入歡歌路徑。 2.   準備一台電腦,數據線,需要連接你的手機 / 移動設備。 3.   已有電腦的基本知識會讓你更明白是如何操作。 步驟: 1....