This time was different, the KKKL bus express went to the George town bus station then turn back to Butterworth (from my Penang’s friend information). Then, we arrived at Butterworth bus station. 5.30a.m. arrived. ‘Lawyer’s’(‘lawyer’ = penang friend nickname =.=) father and 2nd sister was come to fetch us. Wau! Lawyer’s father face exactly same, so look alike! ~
Next, we went to Komtar shopping mall. It just walks to another ladder. Andy brought us to Komtar’s tall building. Now is not allowed to enter due to officer organization. Then, we planned to watch 3D movie for “Cloudy Meatball 3D”. So, we went to Gurney Plaza. After we check out the GSC cinema counter, the staff said this movie was close, temporary do not have the 3D movie. Haiz……Then, Andy suggest why not we watch the new movie “The fourth Kind”?? So we just agree it…(at that time really sienzz…)
After Andy meet his friend in Game Master, lawyer decide go to Gurney seaside. There is the photo I taken ---
This movie is based on true fact. Talk about the Alien abduction human on this earth. Here we saw many hypnotize technique. Opening quite sienzz…at the center was going to nice, of course there is disturbing content. From the movie I can understand that ----You know you see something that not normal thing, then you try to convince people—As a result, nobody will believe what you said or saw and said that you are crazy.
Movie finished then we walk to the Gurney Entrance. Oh my god! Heavy rain again! After some plan, we went to the Food court. I bought the Thai Style Fried Rice. The taste was just like the taste in Johor. In between, we 3 people saw a girl really look alike “Jelly Fish” oh~
After return broken umbrella by Andy, we went back lo…End of the first day.
2nd Day ~ 18/11/09 Wednesday.
Lawyer got prepare breakfast for me. So appreciate ^^ This time was Yun Tun Mee. Flavour ok, not so special, but nice to eat. 12.00 p.m. something, we went to outside eat “economic rice”, like 168 restaurant at Johor. After that, lawyer bring me to the biggest Chinese temple – 斗母宫。Then, we went to the Penang Bird Park. Really has some fun and new experience in the park through watch bird.
More surprising, we saw a really fat monkey, asking Jambu from the people.
Now, we reach St. Anne Church. Due to not a Christian, I just pay a visit at there and took some photo. After fetch Chyang to house, we went to butterworth station to fetch Kopi and his cousin. His cousin really got the mole like Kopi…hehe
At night, we accompany lawyer to see his sister’s son. For us, we called the baby as lawyer’s son…joking nia~~~Baby so cute ^^ Reach Andy house again……then to “Fort convodies” We had “man talk” at the playground and the seaside. Our shirt salty too….haha. We went back butterworth by ferry. It was the first time for me on the ferry ^^
3rd Day ~ 19/11/09 Thursday.
So, we had breakfast again ~ Now, more two people with me- Kopi and cousin. We had eaten the Kuey Teow Soup. For lunch, we ate chicken rice. Next, we went to the Andy’s house. Andy fetch Sam to his house. Today, Sam was joined with us to Kek Lok Si and Bukit Bendera.
Kek Lok Si, directed the way by Andy. Of course, we did take many beautiful photographs. After some “creative” photo, we went down the ladder to buy some souvenir. Andy wants to buy the Iron Ball at upstairs’ shop, but it was close due to 5.30p.m. The price was RM12.00. Andy very disappointed and plan to buy next time. When went down the ladder, we saw Iron Ball sold here too! Then, we asked the price and know that it cost RM30.00. Damn Expensive T_T…Andy canceled it. Then the boss asked Andy don’t go away... “Only RM28!----RM25!-----RM20!-----RM10!------RM6!---------” Andy sure very happy and went back to buy it. Lawyer bought it also.
Next, we arrived Bukit Bendera. Around 6.20p.m. at that time. Here can see all the scenery and maps of Penang! Amazing and spectacular~.
8.00p.m. something, we had dinner at the area that I don’t know (in Georgetown). First time I ate the Char Kuey Teow at Georgetown. It was not so surprised (because I thought that Kuey Teow In Penang Very special) By the way, it was so small plate…we ate the roasted chicken and fried chicken too.
We wait him finished his show and watch movie together.
3D movie --- the 3D glass I wore “heavy”. When I hang on my glass, it slowly slides down on my face. (frustrated~~) Besides, this movie not so nice, just saying that the “adventure” of the old man. Plus, there was no subtitles. So, hard to know that the movie in details. (poor English standard is like that T_T)
4th Day ~ 20/11/09 Friday.
Lunch – having Yun Tun Mee and Prawn Mee.
Sienzz again~~ We went to Andy house. Suddenly I want to watch the movie DVD – STAY ALIVE. Nice movie after all! ^^ (You will die in the same way you die in the video games). After that we went to “padang” ate again. This time I ate Laksa. Penang’s laksa really different with Johor. Here got sour flavor, and the mee was different too.
We arrived at Youth Park. This is the park that let public exercise. Here got Gym tools, field, and the skater’s ground. After exercise in Youth Park, we run to the “waterfall” through road sides. Oh my god….suddenly the kopi’s cousin – Milo (Sam gave the name ==) lost his handphone! I tried to help him but didn’t saw any handphones…might be stole by the people.
Disappointed and walked back to the car.
Dinner time!! Andy brought us to Gurney Drive (lawyer drive the car). Here damn many stalls. Haha…I chose again Char Kuey Teow…(this time was better than last time the taste). The “fried chicken skin” was tasty too.
Andy was joined us and slept in lawyer’s house. Now, 12.00 a.m. ---Happy Birthday, Kopi!!

5th Day ~ 21/11/09 Saturday
Breakfast – “carrot cake”/菜头糕/果角 - (not so nice…and big pack)
Movie again – 叶问, watch at lawyer’s house.
“carrot cake” make us so full. So 2p.m. went out to eat.
After many many decision, we chose to eat at Pizza Hut. (celebrate kopi’s birthday too!)
Pizza Hut at Auto City.
Next, Andy suggest went to CC in Butterworth. First time I played DOTA in CC. The experience not bad…then our team was lose. In addition, I also not clever to play ==.
Dinner--- ate Belacan fried chicken. So delicious. Lawyer, Kopi, and Milo ate Bak Kut Teh. Then I ate again the Hot Plate Mee (don’t know why I so greedy ~ eat many). The Bak Kut Teh taste not so nice, washiness. Next, we went to lawyer’s big sister house to get Wii.
After setup, we played the Wii. So, new experiences again. I like to play “cooking mama” ~Special. The bed was so small cause I slept with Andy and kopi. 3 people can said no way to move around. (Andy, kopi I didn’t blame you ya ~ don’t think too much)
6th Day ~ 22/11/09 Sunday
4.30 a.m. we had wake up. Today we were going to Marathon – FUN RUN at Penang Bridge.
Car park full…so we parking at Taman’s road side. We walked to destination.
7.30 a.m. we had started to run the marathon. Sam still got the chance to take photo at penang bridge. Lawyer-Kopi-Milo-Andy-Sam-Me were join this marathon. Most people were walking. Lawyer-Kopi-Milo really run ==. Anyway, at the destination, we got the Certificate also. Hehe (I didn’t register also -.-)
Roadside, we ate mee again…Then, we ate curry mee at butterworth. Thanks to Andy’s father for helped me buy the Penang “淡文饼”. Really Tasty. 2 box cost RM16. Really tired and rest whole day at lawyer house after all.
Kopi and Milo was gone back to the Ipoh. Now, left lawyer and me. At lawyer’s house, I watch “绝代商娇”。At night, 11.30p.m., I was accompany Sam went back to Segamat.
At Segamat (24/11/09) Tuesday. We arrived at bus stop. Sam’s parents really cute…hehe..friendly also. So, I had some breakfast and lunch at Segamat. I ate the “点心”as my breakfast and Bak Kut Teh as my lunch. Both were nice especially the Bak Kut Teh, the taste 99, damn delicious! Yam yam….12.30p.m. bus gone back.
Woo~~~went back to the Batu Pahat lo!.....I miss my home ^^

Whole UTHM's student team photo at Kek Lok Si

5th Day ~ 21/11/09 Saturday
Breakfast – “carrot cake”/菜头糕/果角 - (not so nice…and big pack)
Movie again – 叶问, watch at lawyer’s house.
“carrot cake” make us so full. So 2p.m. went out to eat.
After many many decision, we chose to eat at Pizza Hut. (celebrate kopi’s birthday too!)
Pizza Hut at Auto City.
Next, Andy suggest went to CC in Butterworth. First time I played DOTA in CC. The experience not bad…then our team was lose. In addition, I also not clever to play ==.
Dinner--- ate Belacan fried chicken. So delicious. Lawyer, Kopi, and Milo ate Bak Kut Teh. Then I ate again the Hot Plate Mee (don’t know why I so greedy ~ eat many). The Bak Kut Teh taste not so nice, washiness. Next, we went to lawyer’s big sister house to get Wii.
After setup, we played the Wii. So, new experiences again. I like to play “cooking mama” ~Special. The bed was so small cause I slept with Andy and kopi. 3 people can said no way to move around. (Andy, kopi I didn’t blame you ya ~ don’t think too much)
6th Day ~ 22/11/09 Sunday
4.30 a.m. we had wake up. Today we were going to Marathon – FUN RUN at Penang Bridge.
Car park full…so we parking at Taman’s road side. We walked to destination.
7.30 a.m. we had started to run the marathon. Sam still got the chance to take photo at penang bridge. Lawyer-Kopi-Milo-Andy-Sam-Me were join this marathon. Most people were walking. Lawyer-Kopi-Milo really run ==. Anyway, at the destination, we got the Certificate also. Hehe (I didn’t register also -.-)
Roadside, we ate mee again…Then, we ate curry mee at butterworth. Thanks to Andy’s father for helped me buy the Penang “淡文饼”. Really Tasty. 2 box cost RM16. Really tired and rest whole day at lawyer house after all.
Kopi Birthday! Watch what he said to us! ^^===>
7th Day ~ 23/11/09 MondayKopi and Milo was gone back to the Ipoh. Now, left lawyer and me. At lawyer’s house, I watch “绝代商娇”。At night, 11.30p.m., I was accompany Sam went back to Segamat.
At Segamat (24/11/09) Tuesday. We arrived at bus stop. Sam’s parents really cute…hehe..friendly also. So, I had some breakfast and lunch at Segamat. I ate the “点心”as my breakfast and Bak Kut Teh as my lunch. Both were nice especially the Bak Kut Teh, the taste 99, damn delicious! Yam yam….12.30p.m. bus gone back.
Woo~~~went back to the Batu Pahat lo!.....I miss my home ^^
Street Fighter 4! Arcade Machine--Like it so much!! ^^